Our Precious Son

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Attention!! Cute 9th month

You see it? This is our precious boy who has turns 9th months old...Isn't he cute?
My my my...Doesn't he looks like more than 1 year old? Look so grown up huh...I guess he has his daddy's genes...Tall little gentleman...

Stand Up For Singapore? No...its him standing up & smiling at all of you out there..He loves to get himself stand up with the help of the sofa. But its only seconds...before he sit again..Still in the learning process...

There he is...on his favourite rides..He loves to sit on the cars, holding on to the steering wheel as is he's driving. Pamper by grandma again. $1 to take this kind of rides when its only 20cents at my times.

Splash Splash.........

Wow...Clarence's 1st attempt in a swimming pool. We went to Clementi Swimming Complex to let Clarence have a taste of being in a pool. He had always been enjoying himself for his bathing session. So we thot of bringing him to a pool to see how he reacts. Oh Boy...He really enjoyed himself so much that I was so tired playing with him & making sure he's safe. It was quite a last minute thingy thing therefore forget to bring camera along. Below are photos taken by my hubby using his handphone. Please enjoy...